What our Customers say...

Building Services Testimonials

I never knew SERVPRO does as much as they do! I would definitely not hesitate to call them with any questions you have. Great service with a personable staff. 

SERVPRO of Hoboken/Union City and Lower Manhattan is a one of a kind! I feel like their team works really well together. They've got a good thing going on. 

I love Darlene who answers calls in the SERVPRO Hoboken/ Union City office. She gives callers such great customer service.

SERVPRO cleaned my ducts I neglected for too long. They truly are the best when it comes to this stuff. I can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing my ducts are spotless. 

I called SERVPRO Hoboken/ Union City to clean my carpeting. They made it look brand new again and I'm so pleased with their work.